Ensure that all TimeCards were approved.
Note: Anything listed below that is highlighted in blue and underlined can be clicked on to take you to a QuickGuide, Training Video, or additional resources with step by step instructions.
Step 1: List Workers with Missing TimeCards - This report shows any workers that were scheduled to work, but do not have any time/activity captured or approved. Note: This report has many other applications. Click on Benefits for using the List Workers with Missing TimeCards Report to see a list of other ways this report can be beneficial.
Export Time & Activity once all TimeCards are accounted for.
Once all TimeCards have been approved, download hours and activity for use in calculating workers' payroll. Step 3: Export Timecards w/AddOn Details is a view that has been added for this purpose. Most staffing companies have a standard cycle for downloading hours and activity. It is important to periodically run a wider date range to ensure that any time approved late by a Labor Buyer is also included.
TIP: WorkRecords adds a standard view for downloading time and activity to each account when it is set-up. This view works for most staffing companies, however, a few companies have special requirements resulting in additional fields needed for producing payroll. WorkRecords can assist in customizing this view to make the process easier for a back office team. Please contact support@workrecords.com to schedule a time to discuss any needs.