There are several uses for the Search for Missing TimeCards report. The primary reason is to provide an easy way to review approved TimeCards versus Active Orders in WorkRecords. The missing TimeCard report highlights any worker that has an open order but does not have an approved TimeCard for the week.  


The report is also used for other data clean-up, including: 


  1. Confirming all workers listed should be active. If any worker is listed on this report and is no longer active at that customer, then this order should be closed in WorkRecords.
  2. Closing out an active order confirmation. This report has a link under Info that will allow you to close out an order confirmation.
  3. Changing a closeout date. In WorkRecords, you will either choose the date of the last approved TimeCard weekending OR early close the order confirmation. If the wrong date is selected, the order confirmation will still show as active. This report has a link under Info that will allow you to change the closeout date.
  4. Entering zero hour TimeCards. You may have a worker that missed a few weeks, but you want them to remain active, as they will be going back to that customer soon. This report has a link under Info that will allow you to enter a zero hour TimeCard.


All of the above uses will allow you to easily keep your data updated in WorkRecords. This assists your workers and customers in the easy use of WorkRecords, either at the kiosk or when logging in to review and approve hours.

Video - Search for Missing TimeCards   (click the link to watch in a new window, or just press play below to watch in this window)