Most managers find that, after their first few weeks, they spend only a few minutes per day in WorkRecords reviewing worker activity. This allows them to catch coaching opportunities early and avoid time consuming rework later. The most effective (and happiest) WorkRecords users are those that set the expectation that checking-in and checking-out correctly is a required part of the worker's job.  

Note: Anything listed below that is highlighted in blue and underlined can be clicked on to take you to a QuickGuide, Training Video or additional resources with step by step instructions.

DAILY: Check worker use of Kiosk and/or QR code to see if any employees have not checked-in/out as expected and complete any required edits. 

There are 5 common views that should be used daily to monitor worker time and activity. They include:

  1. Review Daily Worker Activity - This view monitors attendance and confirms if the worker is checking-in/ out on time, in the correct department(s) and job activities and for meal breaks (if required).
  2. Who Forgot to Check Out - This view highlights workers that did not check-out and still show to be "on the clock".
  3. Review for Unusually Large Hours - This view shows workers that may have forgotten to check-out- but already checked back in, were asked to extend their shift (may cause OT later in the week), or forgot to checkout for required breaks
  4. Monitor Workers Hours for Overtime - This view is usually used 2-3 days before the end of the week, but the timeframe will be based on each buyer's/department's usage and the contractual agreement with the suppliers.
  5. Find A Worker - This view allows the user to find a worker who has not checked-in or checked-out yet OR has not correctly checked in for the user's department.

For more information on editing, view Editing in WorkRecords.

Saved Reports and Using Alerts are a great way to quickly monitor activity.