The invoice is presented through WorkRecords based on the terms and conditions (T&C) negotiated by the Labor Buyer and Labor Supplier. The T&Cs captured in your account setup in WorkRecords is based on the information provided in the Account Setup spreadsheet.  The 1099 Worker retains 100% control (and responsibility) over when the invoice is generated and presented.  At no time does WorkRecords ever take part in the collection or transfer of dollars between the Labor Buyer and Labor Supplier (1099 Worker).   


The data used to calculate the billing information in WorkRecords regarding hours (vs. non-hourly billing) comes from the Effective Time summation.  Effective time could be what was collected at the Kiosk, a convenience rule modification, or any editing done by either Labor Buyer or Labor Supplier (1099 Worker).  

Note: Anything listed below that is highlighted in blue and underlined can be clicked on to take you to a QuickGuide, Training Video, or additional resources with step by step instructions.


For more information, refer to Invoices - Presenting Invoices in WorkRecords.