The verbiage below is provided to assist in communication with suppliers regarding proper procedures with WorkRecords. Please copy and paste any sections that are helpful in your communication.

Thank you for your continued service to [insert buyer name] as a valued staffing supplier.  We truly appreciate your strong day-to-day involvement and workforce capabilities.


I reviewed invoices you sent to us and we need your immediate assistance and your compliance with the following: 


Acceptable Invoices:  Invoices must be presented through WorkRecords. We will not accept invoices that have amounts in the notes field that are at variance from the invoice total of the approved TimeCards, as this total is based on the approved TimeCard data within WorkRecords.  Moving forward our accounts payable system will only recognize invoices that you send electronically via WorkRecords and only for the total of the TimeCards shown on the invoice in the Total Amount field, not the Notes field.  Do not send us paper invoices or attempt to amend the invoice presented in WorkRecords – this is because WorkRecords invoices are directly supported electronically by the approved TimeCards. 

Consolidated Invoicing:  We have been sent separate invoices for the same week-ending which creates extra work for our accounting team.  Please set up your back office so only one invoice is generated per week to include all departments and all workers– because of the uniqueness of the WorkRecords platform, you are unable to have departments or any other subsets on your invoices. Do not attempt to invoice us by department.  That breakdown is now available to us through our View/Reports in WorkRecords.


Ongoing Compliance:  Please ensure any change in personnel at your office will not affect the compliance with these requirements and that subsequent members of your staffing team are trained on the proper use of the WorkRecords platform. 


We expect these issues will be addressed as soon as possible and fully resolved by {Day and Date].  Please contact me directly if you see a problem with meeting the completion deadline. 


Thank you for working with us to address these important issues. 

