Time Investment

20-30 minutes daily


The most successful Compliance Managers carefully monitor data and process compliance during the first week of the GoLive to ensure all parties embrace best practices in WorkRecords. Working with the Implementation Manager Alerts are set to help with the ongoing review of data.  During the GoLive week, the Compliance Manager will:


1.  Review Supplier's/Workers' Requirements:

a.  Using the WorkRecords Alerts & Views, continue to monitor order confirmations that are added to ensure orders are:

1. Entered on or prior to the start date/time in order for the worker to properly check-in.

2. Coded as TimeClock orders so that the worker can check-in.

3. Reflect the correct rate information, including appropriate AddOns, taxes, etc.

b. Confirm that workers:

          1. Remember to check-in and check-out at appropriate times (for breaks, etc.).

          2. Follow proper procedures in order to obtain a good security photo during check-in and check-out times.


2.  Review Buyer-Manager's Requirements:

a.  Using the WorkRecords Alerts & Views, ensure managers complete edits daily and within the deadline by checking for situations where:  

1. A worker forgot to check out, but it has not yet been edited.

2. There is an unusually large number of hours on one day. This usually indicates a worker failed to check-out and then checked-in the next day, thereby placing all of the hours on one day.

          b.  Obtain feedback from managers regarding worker training/preparedness to use the Kiosk or a QR code.

3.  Review for Excessive Editing: 

As a general rule, it is expected that edits will be higher during the first week or two following a GoLive. It is important to quickly determine the cause of edits and ensure proper training or account set-up tweaks are made early to avoid the formation of bad habits.