Time Investment
15-30 minutes per week
After the first week or two following the GoLive, the Compliance Manager will monitor data weekly or bi-monthly. The Compliance Manager will often use alerts to help stay on top of key information. WorkRecords strongly recommends that the Compliance Manager's alerts are set up so that information is only sent when something requires attention (a worker forgot to check-out, workers are approaching or hitting overtime, etc.).
Helpful alerts may include:
- Who forgot to check out
- Workers approaching OT
- Workers with unusually large hours
- Order confirmations not created as TimeClock orders
- Bill rate changes or Bill rates greater than a specific amount
Primary Focus Areas Post GoLive:
Once good habits regarding the day-to-day use of WorkRecords have been formed by Managers, Suppliers and Workers, the Compliance Manager should set aside 10-15 minutes per week to:
1. Review Order Confirmations:
Periodically (weekly or monthly--it truly depends upon the volume of new orders) review order confirmations to ensure:
- they are entered at the proper rates
- they are entered before the worker starts
- that workers do not have duplicate orders at the same bill rate
Use the View: Search Order Confirmation or View OrdersRemember, a filter at the top of the column can be used to quickly review the range of all rates to identify any that need to be more closely reviewed.
2. Monitor Buyer and Supplier Editing:
Editing should be kept to a minimum, whenever possible. Editing can be a time-consuming process for managers and monitoring/reducing edits not only helps to save managers time, but it is also helps to protect against fraud. If editing is high, common areas to monitor in more detail are:
- Workers who forgot to check-out (or check-in/out for meal breaks)
- Orders that are not entered prior to the worker starting
- Workers not checking in/out on time early or late
Use the View: Audit WorkSegment Edits
3. Follow-up on Unapproved WorkSegments:
WorkSegments not approved by the deadline can result in significant implications, including the supplier's delayed ability to process worker payroll and delayed invoicing.
Use the View: Unapproved WorkSegments
Remember, an alert can be set up to notify only when segments have not been approved.
4. Ensure Invoicing is Presented Timely:
Invoicing should be presented through WorkRecords according to the agreement with the supplier. WorkRecords produces a single invoice for the entire location. Departmental invoicing significantly reduces financial control and should be avoided. If questions arise between buyer-managers and suppliers regarding a perceived need for department invoicing, the WorkRecords Support Team is available to answer questions and offer reporting alternatives.
A WorkRecords invoice is a pre-approved payment document since each individual TimeCard was approved by the manager at the Labor Buyer and locked. With WorkRecords, invoiced, approved, and even unapproved WorkSegments can be viewed and data can be sorted in a variety of outputs to meet different needs. This eliminates the need to utilize invoices as report documents.
Use the View: Search Invoices