WorkRecords makes it easy to create Orders for several workers at the same time when all of the information on the individual Order Confirmations will be the same.  From time to time though, a worker may need to be placed on an assignment with a rate that is different than will be used for all other workers or even different than the rate entered onto a Template.  In these special instances, the Order will need to be created separately, but if all or most of the other information is correct, you can use the same Template and make edits to the Order Confirmation as you create it.

Let's work through an example where an Order is needed for a General Labor / Shipping worker.  You already have a Template in your account for Orders at a $15.00/hr Bill Rate, but this placement is the result of a marketing call where a slightly lower rate of $14.50 was quoted.  The Pay Rate for this worker will remain at $10.00/hr, which is the Pay Rate already populated into the Template.

Begin the process of creating an Order for the individual worker.  Click on the Template that you wish to use.

Because you used the Template, the $15 Bill Rate is pre-populated on the Order, but the cell can be highlighted and that amount can be deleted and a new amount can be entered.  In this example, you'll need to type over the 15 and enter 14.50, since that is the Bill Rate that you quoted your client.  Please note that all of the items on an Order Confirmation that have a white background (as opposed to grey) can be modified. 

Then, continue creating the Order for this worker as you normally would.

 If only minor changes are needed, using an existing Template and then modifying the Order Confirmation as you are creating it may be a great solution!