After the Labor Supplier has created an Order for a worker, the Labor Buyer can then add the Order to a Schedule Group.  Once made available in the Labor Buyer's configuration, Schedule Groups can be added.  The two most common schedule groups are stop at the clock and warn at the clock.

  1. Navigate to Reports on the blue menu bar, choose My Views and then select the View called Search Order Confirmations.

  2. Enter search criteria to narrow your search, if needed.  Then, click the Generate View button at the bottom.

  3. Click on the Schedule hyperlink located in the light blue action items area near the top.

  4. Select the Orders to add to a schedule (use "all" or check each box individually).

  5. Click the green arrow next to Apply Schedule Group to Selected Orders.

  6. Click on the blue hyperlink for the appropriate Schedule Group.  Please note that the Schedule Groups listed may not match what are shown in the screen shot below, as each Labor Buyer will have options for their own property.

  7. Click the Update button.  (Optional: If you would like an email to be sent to alert you (or someone else), you can enter an email address in the box before clicking the Update button.)

  8. Click the OK button.