WorkRecords enables you to quickly and easily present your Invoices to your customers for any or all approved TimeCards in the system.  Once a TimeCard is approved, it becomes available to present on an Invoice in WorkRecords.  All TimeCards for a given customer is available in a “customer queue” that is cleared out each time you present Invoices for the TimeCards in that queue.

Note: Anything listed below that is highlighted in blue and underlined can be clicked on to take you to a QuickGuide, Training Video, or additional resources with step by step instructions.

The following directions are designed for Labor Suppliers. Before you begin, keep in mind that:
  • Once a TimeCard has been approved, it becomes available for invoicing in WorkRecords. All TimeCards for a given Labor Buyer/Customer is available in a “customer queue” that is cleared out each time you invoice for the TimeCards in that list – no TimeCard can be invoiced more than once.
  • With WorkRecords, you will present one invoice to your Labor Buyer for the week rather than separate ones for different departments. Your back office accounting system should be set up to produce a single weekly invoice.
  • To present an invoice through WorkRecords, you will need to have the invoice your back office generated so you can reference the correct invoice number, date, and amount due.
  • An invoice is a summary of approved WorkSegments/TimeCards; the breakdown at the bottom of an invoice represents the individual WorkSegments approved by the Labor Buyer/Customer Manager. (See page 3.)
  • You will present invoices through WorkRecords rather than mailing, faxing, or emailing them.
  • The total amount on the invoice you present through WorkRecords must match the amount from the invoice in your back off system BEFORE you present it. (See page 4 for Research Invoice Discrepancies.)

To get to the Labor Buyer/Customer you want to invoice:

Select The Date Range & Labor Buyer/Customer

To get to the Labor Buyer/Customer you want to invoice:

1. In the main menu, go to Invoices.

2. Select Invoice Customers (which is the first option in the pop-up menu). This will produce a list of LaborvBuyers/Customers who have approved TimeCards that can be invoiced. After this step, your screen will look like this(below).

3. The system defaults to the last four weeks (which allows you to see TimeCards that are now approved, but not yet invoiced). To narrow your invoice timeframe, enter a TimeCard Date Range by clicking within the calendar OR typing in the dates using 2 digits for the month, day, and year. (Some clients find it acceptable to invoice for multiple week-ending dates on one invoice while others prefer only one week-ending date per invoice.)

4. Identify the customer you want to invoice and click the Select link.

Select Approved TimeCards and Enter Required Data

After Step 4, you’ll see a list of approved TimeCards that are available for invoicing. (These dates reflect the week-ending
dates the individual worked, not the date a TimeCard was approved.)

5. Use the check boxes next to a worker’s name to select the TimeCards you want to include on the invoice OR click on the check box in the top line if you want to select all the displayed TimeCards for invoicing.

6. Compare the Selected Total on the WorkRecords screen to the amount that’s on the invoice generated by your back office. If the total matches your back office total, continue to Step 7.
If the totals are NOT the same, go to Page 4 and review the Research Discrepancies section.

7. Enter your Supplier Invoice Reference Number and the Supplier Invoice Reference Date as they appear on the invoice generated by your back office.

8. Click Next Step to get a summary of the invoice you will present. Your screen will look something like the one below.
Present Invoice

9. Review the invoice number, date, and amount for accuracy.

10. Enter any Notes you’d like the include on the invoice. (For example, some suppliers include: We appreciate your business. Or, if you need to include a PO #, enter the PO # in this field.) Only copy an individual on the invoice if you are instructed to do so by that individual. (There is already an Accounts Payable recipient email configured in the system and most Buyers prefer that A/P is the only one who is emailed.)

11. Click Create Invoice to present it to your customer. Your Labor Buyer’s invoicing contact will receive an email that includes an invoice.
Sample summary on bottom of the invoice.

Access An Invoice After Presenting It

You have the option to view the Sent Invoices and either email them to additional contacts or print them. To utilize these selections, go to Invoices>View Sent  Invoices (which is the 2nd choice in the drop down menu under Invoices). Your screen will look something like this.

1. Enter the date range of when the invoice was presented in WorkRecords. If you are looking for just one specific date, you can enter the same date for the start date and end date. Then, click Submit.

2. A list of invoices that corresponds with the date(s) entered will appear. Select the desired invoice(s) by checking the box next to it.

3. Select what you want to do with the selected invoice(s). Your options include:
  • To Email Selected Invoice(s) Simply enter the person’s email address and click Send. (The initially presented invoice was emailed to the buyer’s contact whose name and email was provided to Work Records.)

  • To Print Selected Invoice(s), click on Print Selected Invoices. Then, the invoice will appear on your screen and the Print dialog box will appear. Click Print. Once you click print, click your Back browser to return to the View Sent Invoices page. (See screenshot on the next page.)

  • To Print Selected Invoices with TimeCard(s). Select this option to have the invoice and the detailed TimeCard(s) printed.

Research Discrepancies

When the amount of the invoice in WorkRecords is different than what is reflected on your back office invoice, there are a few key areas to research – we’ve listed the most common areas below. We recommend that you go to Reports>My Views and click on Export Timecards w/AddOn Details. Click on the Field Selector that says Invoice # and type in the invoice you need to research (see below). This report will include all of the fields you will need to research.

Compare the regular and overtime hours to see if the hours in WorkRecords match your back office. If not, email and ask that the TimeCard be unapproved – be sure to include the Timecard ID number. Once the hours are edited to reflect the correct amount, you can have your customer re-approve the hours.

Hourly Bill Rates
Compare the hourly bill rates to see if the hours in WorkRecords match your back office – take care to notice if your customer has shift differentials as those will be reflected in the shift differential fields in WorkRecords. If either the bill rate or the shift differentials do not match, email and ask that the TimeCard in WorkRecords be unapproved – be sure to give them the Timecard ID number. After that is completed, you can change the rates in WorkRecords and then have your customer re-approve the hours.

Non-Hourly billing data
This includes anything paid to a worker that you bill your customer for that is not included in the hourly rate like tips, bonuses, units completed, etc. Are these included on your back office invoice? If so, is the rate the same in WorkRecords? You can access the billing information for the non-hourly items by going to Reports>My Views and Search/List Order Confirmations – all non-hourly billing information is stored on the order confirmation. If the billing information for these categories in WorkRecords needs to be changed, contact for assistance.

If you find that your invoice is still not matching after having carefully researched these 3 items, contact for assistance.