TimeCards - Managing WorkSegments and TimeCards

This folder contains resources and FAQs for WorkSegments and TimeCards. While traditionally in staffing, a TimeCard includes both approved and unapproved segments of time, in WorkRecords, a TimeCard reflects approved time/activity from all segments generated on a specific order for that week-ending period. A full week of unapproved time is still referred to as WorkSegments until they are approved and become a TimeCard.

FAQ - How do I bill for holidays?
There are two options for adding holiday billing in WorkRecords. Adding the billing amount to unapproved TimeCards  Creating an adjustment after the Ti...
Mon, 11 Dec, 2023 at 4:23 PM
FAQ - How do I track/bill for training hours?
Because the agreements between Labor Buyers and Labor Suppliers vary greatly about tracking and calculating training hours, WorkRecords provid...
Fri, 28 Oct, 2022 at 8:22 PM
FAQ - How to Unapprove a WorkRecords TimeCard (Suppliers Only)
Labor Suppliers can unapprove a weekly TimeCard for a worker if the TimeCard has not yet been presented on an invoice.  Labor Buyers can contact WorkRecords...
Tue, 4 Oct, 2022 at 10:48 AM
FAQ - Cómo desaprobar una tarjeta de tiempo de registro de trabajo (Solo Proveedores)
Los proveedores de Mano de obra pueden desaprobar una tarjeta de tiempo semanal para un trabajador si la tarjeta no se ha presentado en una factura.  El com...
Tue, 8 Nov, 2022 at 12:14 PM